姓 名:王德超 (WANG Dechao)
学 位:博士
职 称:副教授
1. 个人及研究工作简介
王德超,男,山东德州人,2022年博士毕业于西北工业大学,2021年(国家留学基金委资助)在新加坡国立大学(NUS)工学院化工系公派留学,师从先进多孔材料(MOFs、COFs等)与膜分离领域国际知名学者ZHAO Dan教授。研究方向:(1)多孔液体的设计构筑;(2)气体吸附-吸收分离过程强化;(3)多孔液体纳微界面传质强化。
近年来(2024年1月统计)发表SCI论文近50篇,其中以第一/通讯作者在Advanced Functional Materials、Accounts of Materials Research、Journal of Materials Chemistry A、Nano Research等权威期刊发表论文20余篇(包括一区TOP期刊论文14篇,1篇入选ESI高被引论文);合作撰写英文专著1本,受Elsevier、Wiley出版社邀撰写英文论著2部(进行中)。担任多种期刊客座编辑以及国际知名期刊审稿人,创办了多孔液体领域国内唯一的权威学术公众号《Porous Liquids》,“多孔液体”的相关工作多次被网络转载报道,浏览数达40000余次;受到了ACS国际知名期刊主编访谈与“ACS美国化学会”官方主页的专题报道。
2. 研究工作亮点
面向能源化工领域的国家重大需求(如低浓度煤层气富集、低质天然气纯化、烟道气碳捕集、低碳烃分离提质等),以“多孔液体创新设计构筑-多孔空腔精准调控和位阻溶剂匹配设计-气体吸附吸收耦合分离”为主线,阐明了多孔液体中“非共价作用的界面本构关系”,拓展了多孔液体的普适性合成方法,实现了多孔液体特定分离需求的应用,提出了智能多孔液体(Smart Porous Liquids, SPLs)的概念,发展了从界面非共价作用力的全新角度构筑多孔液体的新思路,剖析了多孔液体中纳微受限界面气体分子传递扩散行为特性,建立了“多孔空腔理性设计及精准调控-位阻溶剂精准匹配设计-气体吸附-吸收分离”的关联关系。

图 从界面非共价作用力的全新角度出发构筑多孔液体的新思路

图 多孔液体中“非共价作用的界面本构关系”

图 多孔液体中“非共价作用的界面本构关系”
3. 学术主页
Researchgate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Wang-Dechao
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=3vRWYRAAAAAJ&hl=zh-CN&authuser=1
4. 近年来发表的部分学术论文
[1] D. Wang*, Y. Ying, Y. Xin, P. Li, Z. Yang, Y. Zheng. Porous Liquids Open New Horizons: Synthesis, Applications, and Prospects. Accounts of Materials Research 2023, 4, 10, 854-866. (一区TOP,IF=14.6,中国科技期刊卓越行动计划—高起点新刊,封面论文,2023年最受欢迎封面论文)
[2] Y. Xin, H. Ning, D. Wang*, X. Li, W. Fan, X. Ju, H. Wang, Y. Zhang, Z. Yang, D. Yao, Y. Zheng. A generalizable strategy based on the rule of “like dissolves like” to construct porous liquids with low viscosity for CO2 capture. Nano Research, 2023, 16, 10369–10380 (一区TOP,IF=10.0,中国科技期刊卓越行动计划—领军期刊,通讯作者)
[3] R. Yang, Q. Zhang, J. Shi, Y. Zheng, D. Wang*, J. Zhang, S. Liu, Z. Fu. A novel magnetic loading porous liquid absorbent for removal of Cu(II) and Pb(II) from the aqueous solution. Separation and Purification Technology, 2023, 314, 123605. (一区TOP,通讯作者)
[4] R. Yang, Q. Zhang, C. Li, J. Zhang, Y. Xin, X. Ju, D. Wang, J. Shi, Y. Zheng. Macroscopic liquid-like three-dimensional graphene oxide-based derivatives for efficient copper ion adsorption in water treatment. Journal of Materials Science, 2022, 57, 19756-19768. (IF= 4.68,通讯作者)
[5] D. Wang, Y. Xin, D. Yao*, X. Li, H. Ning, H. Zhang, Y. Wang, X. Ju, Z. He, Z. Yang*, W. Fan, P. Li, Y. Zheng*. Shining light on porous liquids: From fundamentals to syntheses, applications and future challenges. Advanced Functional Materials, 2021, 32, 2104162.(一区TOP旗舰级, IF= 19.0)
[6] D. Wang, Y. Xin, X. Li, F. Wang, Y. Wang, W. Zhang, Y. Zheng*, D. Yao, Z. Yang*, X. Lei*. A universal approach to turn UiO-66 into type 1 porous liquids via post-synthetic modification with corona-canopy species for CO2 capture. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2020, 416, 127625.(一区TOP,IF=15.1,ESI高被引)
[7] D. Wang, Y. Xin, Y. Wang, X. Li, H. Wu, W. Zhang, D. Yao*, H. Wang, Y. Zheng*, Z. He, Z. Yang*, X. Lei. A general way to transform Ti3C2Tx MXene into solvent-free fluids for filler phase applications. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2021, 409, 128082. (TOP期刊,IF=15.1)
[8] D. Wang, H. Ning, Y. Xin, Y. Wang, X. Li, D. Yao*, Y.P. Zheng*, Y. Pan, H. Zhang, Z. He, C. Liu, M. Qin, Z. Wang, R. Yang, P. Li, Z. Yang*. Transforming Ti3C2Tx MXene into nanoscale ionic materials via an electrical interaction strategy. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2021, 9, 15441.(TOP期刊,IF= 11.9)
[9] D. Wang, Y. Xin, X. Li, H. Ning, Y. Wang, D. Yao*, Y. Zheng*, Z. Meng, Z. Yang*, Y. Pan, P. Li, H. Wang, Z. He, W. Fan. Transforming metal-organic frameworks into porous liquids via a covalent linkage strategy for CO2 capture. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2021, 13, 2600-2609.(一区TOP,IF=9.5)
[10] 王德超, 辛洋洋, 李晓倩,姚东东*, 郑亚萍*. 多孔液体在气体捕集与分离领域的应用[J]. 化学进展, 2021, 33, 1874-1886.(SCI,化学领域权威综述类期刊之一)
[11] D. Wang, S. Song, W. Zhang, Z. He, Y. Wang, Y. Zheng*, D. Yao*, Y. Pan, Z. Yang*, Z. Meng, Y. Li. CO2 selective separation of Pebax-based mixed matrix membranes (MMMs) accelerated by silica nanoparticle organic hybrid materials (NOHMs). Separation and Purification Technology, 2020, 241, 116708.(工程技术一区TOP,IF=8.6)
[12] D. Wang, D. Yao, Y. Wang, F. Wang, Y. Xin, S. Song, Z. Zhang, F. Su, Y. Zheng*. Carbon nanotubes and graphene oxide-based solvent-free hybrid nanofluids functionalized mixed-matrix membranes for efficient CO2/N2 separation. Separation and Purification Technology, 2019, 221, 421.(工程技术一区TOP,IF=8.6)
[13] Z. Yang, D. Wang, Z. Meng, Y. Li. Adsorption separation of CH4/N2 on modified coal-based carbon molecular sieve. Separation and Purification Technology, 2019, 218, 130.(工程技术一区TOP,IF=8.6,导师一作)
[14] D. Wang, Y. Zheng*, D. Yao*, Z. Yang*, Y. Xin, F. Wang, Y. Wang, H. Ning, H. Wu, H. Wang. Liquid-like CNT/SiO2 nanoparticle organic hybrid materials as fillers in mixed matrix composite membranes for enhanced CO2-selective separation. New Journal of Chemistry, 2019, 43, 11949.(IF= 3.93)
[15] D. Wang, Y. Ying, Y. Zheng, Z. Yang, H. Yang, D. Zhao*. Induced Polymer crystallinity in mixed-matrix membranes by metal-organic framework nanosheets for gas separation. Journal of Membrane Science Letters, 2022, 2, 100017. (与NUS的Zhao Dan教授合作)
[16] Y. Xin*, D. Wang*, D. Yao, H. Ning, X. Li, X. Ju, Y. Zhang, Z. Yang, Y. Zheng*. Post-synthetic modification of UiO-66-OH toward porous liquids for CO2 capture. New Journal of Chemistry, 2022, 46, 2189-2197.(IF= 3.93,共一)
[17] X. Li, D. Wang, Z. He, F. Su, N. Zhang, Y. Xin, H. Wang, X. Tian, Y. Zheng*, D. Yao*, M. Li. Zeolitic imidazolate frameworks-based porous liquids with low viscosity for CO2 and toluene uptakes. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2021, 417, 129239.(一区TOP,IF=15.1)
[18] P. Li*, D. Wang, L. Zhang, C. Liu, F. Wu, Y. Wang, Z. Wang, Z. Zhao, W. Wu, Y. Liang, Z. Li, W. Wang, Y. Zheng*. An in situ coupling strategy toward porous carbon liquid with permanent porosity. Small, 2021, 51, 2006687.(一区TOP,IF=13.3)
[19] X. Li, D. Wang, Z. He, F. Su, J. Zhang, Y. Wang, Y. Xin, H. Wang, D. Yao*, M. Li*, Y. Zheng*. Dual stimuli-responsive porous ionic liquids with the reversible phase transition behaviors based on ionic liquid crystals for CO2 and C2H4 adsorption, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2022, 10, 13333-13344.(IF= 11.9)
6. 论著
Yunpan Ying, Hadi Rouhani, D.C. Wang, Dan Zhao*. Two-dimensional-materials membranes for gas separations. Wiley Books, Two-dimensional-materials-based membranes. preparation, characterization, and applications, 2022, 173-219. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/9783527829859.ch7 (Book Editors: Prof. Gongping Liu and Prof. Wanqin Jin from Nanjing Tech University) (与NUS的Zhao Dan教授合作)
7. 专利(部分)
郑亚萍, 王德超. 一种MXene基无溶剂纳米流体及制备方法: 中国, 202010925263.9 [P]. 2021-08-31. (国家发明专利)
8. 学术会议报告或论文获奖(部分)
[1] 邀请报告,中国化学会第八届全国结构化学学术会议,福州,2023.04;
[2] 口头报告,中国化工学会第六届全国离子液体与绿色过程学术会议,浙江,2023.05;
[3] 口头报告,中国化学会第33届学术年会,青岛,2023.06;
[4] 口头报告,全国碳捕集、利用与封存(CCUS)技术大会,2023.03,论文评为二等奖;
[5] 优秀墙报奖,中国化工学会分子辨识分离工程大会,成都,2023.04,会议共计约1200人参会,其中8人获奖。