王瑞琪(WANG, Ruiqi)
面向国家“碳达峰碳中和”和“智能制造”重大战略需求和政策,从事化工系统工程、化工过程优化的相关研究。主要关注流程工业布局优化、管道网络拓扑结构优化、流程工业安全评估、换热网络优化等领域的研究。在Chemical Engineering Science、Journal of Cleaner Production、Energy等期刊公开发表论文13篇。师从国家优秀青年基金获得者王彧斐教授。参与多项国家自然科学基金面上项目、优青项目及横向课题。欢迎对化工、数学建模、编程、运筹优化等方向感兴趣的同学加入!
2019年10月~2020年10月,挪威科技大学,能源与过程工程,联合培养,导师:Truls Gundersen教授
1.Ruiqi Wang, Yufei Wang*, Truls Gundersen, Yan Wu, Xiao Feng, Mengxi Liu, A multi-objective optimization method for industrial park layout design – The trade-off between economy and safety,Chemical Engineering Science, 2021, 235: 116471
2.Ruiqi Wang, Yufei Wang*, Truls Gundersen, Yan Wu, Xiao Feng, Mengxi Liu, A layout design method for an industrial park based on a novel arrangement algorithm – Consideration of pipe network and multiple hazard sources,Chemical Engineering Science, 2020, 227: 115929.
3.Ruiqi Wang, Huan Zhao, Yan Wu, Yufei Wang*, Xiao Feng, Mengxi Liu, An industrial facility layout design method considering energy saving based on surplus rectangle fill algorithm,Energy, 2018, 158: 1038-1051.
4.Ruiqi Wang, Yan Wu, Yufei Wang*, Xiao Feng, An industrial area layout design methodology considering piping and safety using genetic algorithm,Journal of Cleaner Production, 2017, 167: 23-31.
5.Ruiqi Wang, Yan Wu, Yufei Wang*, Xiao Feng, An Industrial Area Layout Optimization Method Based on Dow’s Fire & Explosion Index Method,Chemical Engineering Transactions, 2017, 61: 493-498.
6.Ruiqi Wang, Yan Wu, Yufei Wang, Xiao Feng, Mengxi Liu, An layout optimization method for industrial facilities based on Domino hazard index,Computer Aided Chemical Engineering, 2019, 47: 89-94.
7.Ruiqi Wang, Yan Wu, Yufei Wang*, Xiao Feng, Mengxi Liu, An Industrial Park Layout Design Method Considering Pipeline Length Based on FLUTE Algorithm,Computer Aided Chemical Engineering, 2018, 44: 193-198.
8.王瑞琪,王彧斐*,冯霄,氯乙烯装置精馏尾气回收与参数优化,计算机与应用化学, 2016, 33 (11): 1145-1152.
9.Yan Wu,Ruiqi Wang, Yufei Wang*, Xiao Feng, An area-wide layout design method considering piecewise steam piping and energy loss,Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 2018, 138: 405-417.
10.Yan Wu,Ruiqi Wang, Yufei Wang*, Xiao Feng, An area-wide layout design method considering piecewise steam piping,Chemical Engineering Transactions, 2017, 61: 457-462.
11.Yan Wu, Shuai Zhang,Ruiqi Wang, Yufei Wang*, Xiao Feng, A design methodology for wind farm layout considering cable routing and economic benefit based on genetic algorithm and GeoSteiner,Renewable Energy, 2020, 146: 687-698.
12.Yan Wu, Shuai Zhang,Ruiqi Wang, Yufei Wang*, Xiao Feng, New model for large scale chemical industrial layout optimization,Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 2020, 161: 58-71.
13.Yongli Duan, Yun Li, Deen Wang,Ruiqi Wang, Yongli Wang, Liqiang Hou, Xiaoya Yan, Qi Li, Wang Yang, Yongfeng Li*, Transverse size effect on electromagnetic wave absorption performance of exfoliated thin-layered flake graphite,Carbon, 2019, 153: 682-690.
14.Chapter 8: Sustainable design of industrial complex: Industrial area-wide layout optimization,Towards Sustainable Chemical Processes, 2020, Elsevier, ISBN:978-0-12-818376-2.
15.王瑞琪,全自动家用节水系统,实用新型,2014, CN201420318254.