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发布日期:2024-02-28     作者:     浏览数:    分享到:





2017/09-2018/09 哈尔滨工业大学教育部高等学校国内访问学者


2006/09-2008/07 哈尔滨工业大学硕士学位无机化学








1.Jia Chu*, Jiafang Gong, et al. Effect of Calcination Temperatures on the Electrocatalytic Performance of IrO2@GO for Oxygen Evolution Reaction[J]. Ionics, 2023,29, 2417–2425.

2.Jia Chu*,et al. Prussian Blue and Carbon-Dot Hybrids for Enhanced Electrochromic Performance [J]. Materials, 2021, 14, 3166.

3.Jia Chu*et al. Platinum Nanoparticles Decorated IrO2@MWCNT as an Improved Catalyst for Oxygen Evolution Reaction[J]. ChemistrySelect, 2021, 6, 1-10.

4.Xue Li,Jia Chu*,et al. Novel prussian blue@Carbon-dots hybrid thin film: The impact of carbon-dots on material structure and electrochromic performance [J].Electrochimica Acta, 2020, 355,136659.

5.Xue Li,Jia Chu*,et al. A novel PANI@Carbon dot hybrid with Enhanced Electrochemical and Electrochromic Properties [J]. Materials Letters, 2020, 275, 128081.

6.Jia Chu*,et al. Hydrothermal Synthesis of PANI Nanowires for High Performance Supercapacitor[J]. High performance polymers, 2020, 32 (3): 258-267.

7.Jia Chu*,Xue Li, Yaping Cheng, et al. Electrochromic properties of Prussian blue nanocube film directly grown on FTO substrates by hydrothermal method[J]. Materials Letters, 2020, 258, 126782.

8.JiaChu*, Dengyu Lu, Bohua Wu, Xiaoqin Wang, Ming Gong, Runlan Zhang, Shanxin Xiong, Synthesis and electrochromic properties of conducting polymers: Polyaniline directly grown on fluorine-doped tin oxide substrate via hydrothermal techniques[J],Solar energy materials and solar cells, 2018, 177, 70-74.

9.JiaChu*, Dengyu Lu, Bohua Wu, Xianshan Wang, Xiaoqin Wang, Shanxin Xiong, WO3Nanoflower coated with graphene nanosheet: Synthetic energy storage composite electrode for supercapacitor application[J],Journal of Alloys and Compound, 2017, 702: 568-572.

10.JiaChu*, Zhenzhen Kong, Dengyu Lu, Wenlong Zhang, Xianshan Wang, Yifan Yu, Sai Li Xiaoqin Wang, Shanxin Xiong, Jing Ma, Hydrothermal synthesis of vanadium oxide nanorods and their electrochromic performance[J].Materials Letters, 2016, 166:179-182

11.JiaChu*, Jinpeng Lan, Dengyu Lu, Jing Ma, Xiaoqin Wang, Bohua Wu, Ming Gong, Run lan Zhang, Shanxin Xiong, Facile fabrication of WO3crystalline nanoplate on FTO glass and their application in electrochromism.[J].Micro&NanoLetters, 2016, 11(11):749-752

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